Catcoin Token - https://bscscan.com/address/0x2f0c6e147974BfbF7Da557b88643D74C324053A2
Marketing Wallet (Multisignature) - https://bscscan.com/tokenholdings?a=0x49e231B76626bCd1C0d20706571a3EAAFEf52b22
MultiSig Withdraw (collecting taxes to Marketing Wallet) - https://bscscan.com/address/0xDAc0CCC75847469b6331612215c1Ba31e8D0377D
CaringCats Wallet (Multisignature) - https://bscscan.com/address/0xB04B2D37907875052A223b172d7360D9c2a378D9
Deployer Wallet - https://bscscan.com/tokenholdings?a=0x3f99d16166948455329f96e97369a77ddcf31a2e
Voting Platform (DAO) - https://bscscan.com/address/0xcb901be29e99a32defa43d98c2bd31b057043850
Staking Holdings - https://bscscan.com/tokenholdings?a=0x081957c469d5ae28fdd5ba704072eef05cf8056b
BubbleMaps - https://app.bubblemaps.io/bsc/token/0x2f0c6e147974BfbF7Da557b88643D74C324053A2
Token Sniffer 100/100 - https://tokensniffer.com/token/bsc/nizxgbka6eoesqh3qs8jzjomzq42l911q5jvvmks5u02qesub0ns3xd1p09n?h=2880
Reflections - https://moonscan.com/token/0x2f0c6e147974bfbf7da557b88643d74c324053a2
Lottery - https://bscscan.com/token/0x080d49894bc5d8635f8be7989f72d29cafab4fea
What is MultiSig?
Most crypto users for example those who own ETH or BNB are used to a single key wallet, often referred to as an externally owned account (EOA). Examples include; MetaMask, Trustwallet, Exodus etc. These accounts are secured with 12 word “seed phrase”, which can be transformed into a private key for the user. If that private key is compromised in any way, the funds can be stolen.
If your project comprises of more than 1 person, an externally owned account is not a secure way to manage your business’s crypto funds If an employee goes rogue or is careless with the private key, the funds are gone forever. Even if your business is made up of just yourself, I’d argue it’s still a poor way to manage funds. So, what is the better solution?
Enter the Multisig. Safe is a smart contract wallet running on a number of blockchains that requires a minimum number of people to approve a transaction before it can occur (M-of-N). If for example you have 3 main stakeholders in your business, you are able to set up the wallet to require approval from 2 out of 3 (2/3) or all 3 people before the transaction is sent. This assures that no single person could compromise the funds.
Catcoin have 5 people from Core who manage with safe care about community funds.
On top of that, Safe gives you complete self custody over your funds. There is no risk of a bank giving you a hassle for running a crypto business and the smart contract that is deployed is completely trustless and in your control.
Here's an overview, comparing the Safe to other digital asset storage solutions:
Supported Networks
The canonical versions of the Safe smart contracts are deployed to many networks including:
Ethereum Mainnet (Etherscan provides a good overview here.)
Ethereum Testnets: Rinkeby, Kovan, Ropsten, Görli
Binance Smart Chain
Gnosis Chain (formerly xDai)
The full list with all the addresses can be found in the Safe deployments repository on Github (e.g. for v.1.3.0).
To deploy the Safe contracts version 1.3.0 on another EVM-based chain, follow the instructions in the safe-contracts repository. Please note: The chain needs to be fully compatible, i.e. support all opcodes used by the Safe contracts.
In order to run the Safe Web interface (Code), you would need to also run the backend services, in particular the Safe client gateway and the Safe transaction service including a tracing node (see Service Architecture).
The Safe team does not have the capacity to spin up and maintain full frontend and backend support for all EVM-based networks. All Safe related source code is open source. We encourage everyone to deploy the canonical versions of the Safe contracts to their respective networks and run the required backend and frontend parts themselves.
To add another supported network to the safe-deployments repository follow the steps outlined in the safe-contracts repository.
Please let know about any questions via Safe Discord.
Catcoin Github repositories
Last updated